MP encouraged to earn the honourable part of his title

Dear editor,
Over the past year of this majority Conservative government there has been much cause for concern.

A BILL C-38 protestor was one of many people at at Saturday's rally outside MP John Duncan's Courtenay office.

A BILL C-38 protestor was one of many people at at Saturday's rally outside MP John Duncan's Courtenay office.

Dear editor,

Over the past year of this majority Conservative government there has been much cause for concern.

From gutting environmental regulations to restricting debate in the House of Commons, this government has changed the way we do things in Canada.

But have we also seen a change in what the PM believes to be right and wrong?

In spring 2005, Harper threatened to bring down Paul Martin’s government for using the Budget Implementation Act to change laws.

“This is an attempt by the government to get unlimited power to impose multi-million-dollar fines on any basis, without any parliamentary approval or discussion, whatsoever. It is completely unacceptable,” Harper stated in the House of Commons.

He then went on to clarify: “This is a back-door way … a dangerous way of proceeding, and it will certainly not have the support of this party.”

Fast forward to Bill C38.

The Conservatives’ Budget Implementation Act C-38 includes changes to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, the Kyoto Implementation Act and the Fisheries Act, while undermining the Species at Risk Act.

This past Saturday, Comox Valley citizens rallied to tell our MP, John Duncan, to earn his honourable title and be our hero — vote against this bill as it stands and shut that back door.

Sue Moen,

Black Creek

Editor’s note: Sue Moen ran in the Vancouver Island North riding for the Green Party in the 2011 federal election.

Comox Valley Record