MP is missing in action

Am I the only one who wonders what exactly Grewal is doing for the residents in her riding?

Where is Nina Grewal?

On Jan. 27, 2014 I wrote to our MP, Nina Grewal of Fleetwood Port Kells. In the email I indicated how outraged I was about the number of times our community mailbox had been broken into since the fall (three times). I also indicated that as her constituent, homeowner and home-based small business owner, the impact of these break-ins go far beyond being a minor inconvenience.

I asked Grewal to respond within seven business days addressing the following:

1. What has your role been in addressing this serious problem in you riding? Please cite specific examples.

2. What solution(s) do you have for small home-based business owners who depend upon reliable mail service in your riding?

3. What plans have you formulated and presented to Parliament regarding compensation for small business owners to help offset the costs of picking up our mail at a site that is a significant distance from our home-based business?

To date, I have not had the courtesy of a response from Grewal. Am I the only one who wonders what exactly Grewal is doing for the residents in her riding? Is the community mailbox issue the only issue she has chosen to ignore or is she unresponsive to other issues in Fleetwood-Port Kells?

I for one, will remember her apparent lack of concern for her constituents during the next election.


Sue Sanderson

Surrey Now Leader