MP May’s critiques justified

A letter writer denounces MP Elizabeth May for “denigrating” the federal Conservative party and its leader on many occasions.

Re: the letter Success a two-way street, PNR May 6.

The writer denounces MP Elizabeth May for “denigrating” the federal Conservative party and its leader on many occasions. However, a search of the record shows Ms. May’s critiques to be justified.

Harper has muzzled government researchers, shut down scientific libraries, de-funded laboratories, condoned the robocalls which tarnished the 2011 election, brought in an “anti-terrorism” bill which undermines Canadian civil liberties, cut funding to parks, done nothing to mitigate global warming and massively subsidized fossil fuel corporations at the expense of alternative energy initiatives.

Few would deny that the Harper administration has some accomplishments to its credit. But the overall result has been an erosion of our environment and our democratic traditions.  All of which degrades Canada’s former reputation as a progressive, co-operative state within the global community.

Jack Thornburgh, North Saanich

Peninsula News Review