MP REPORT: King of Jordan visit part of busy week in Ottawa

Dan Albas is the Member of Parliament for Okanagan-Coquihalla and writes this weekly report for his constituents.

One thing that can be said about events on Parliament Hill is that no two weeks are ever the same.

All Parliamentarians were sad to learn this week of the passing of Senator Pierre Claude Nolin, Speaker of the Senate and a member of the Red Chamber for over two decades. Like other Canadians, Senator Nolin battled a rare form of cancer. Our thoughts and prayers are always with friends and families who have lost a loved one to such a cruel disease.

Also occurring on Parliament Hill this week was a visit from King Abdullah II bin al Hussein of Jordan.  For those who may be unaware Jordan is the first Arab country to successfully complete a free-trade agreement with Canada that came into effect in October of 2012. Jordan is also one of two countries that have signed a peace agreement with Israel. Jordan has also accepted a large number of refugees fleeing Syria and opposes the terror organization ISIL.

Not occurring in Ottawa but certainly in the minds of many Canadians is the devastating earthquake tragedy in Nepal. Canada has deployed and successfully landed a Canadian Forces C-17 aircraft to deliver much needed personnel and supplies to the region to assist and search for survivors. If any citizens in Okanagan-Coquihalla know Canadians travelling in that area requiring consular assistance please contact the Consulate of Canada in Kathmandu, Nepal at +977 (1) 444-1976 or the High Commission of Canada in New Delhi, India at +91 11 4178 2000. The Government of Canada will also be matching donations made by Canadians to registered Canadian charities in response to the Nepal earthquake between April 25– May 25, 2015.

After we hold a final vote in the House of Commons on Budget 2015, we will then move to debating Senate Bill S-4, the Digital Privacy Act, as well as Government Bill C-46, the Pipeline Safety Act and a number of private member’s bills and motions. For further information on any Bill before the House of Commons please contact me at or call toll free 1-800-665-8711. I would also like to pass on my thanks to the many individuals each week who take the time to pass on comments and questions on my weekly reports. Your ongoing input is valued and appreciated.

Dan Albas is the Member of Parliament for Okanagan-Coquihalla and writes this weekly report for his constituents.


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