MP’s contribution on salmon restoration

Canadian government making destructive changes to natural resources.

It was great to see MP Dan Albas contribute to a good news story about funding for salmon.

However, I fail to see how an additional $1 million dollars for volunteer work, paid for by recreational fishers who do much of the volunteering,  is going to even remotely compensate for the considerable layoffs of staff in Fisheries and Oceans Canada; the destructive changes to the federal Fisheries Act, and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act; and the total lack of action by the federal government on the Cohen Commission recommendations for Fraser River sockeye.

All of these actions against salmon have been taken by the current conservative Canadian government that Dan Albas is a part of.

This newspaper should do some actual reporting and put this small action in context of the reality of how this federal government is treating our resources.

S Eksal


Penticton Western News