MP’s priorities

Letter writer expresses concerns that Falkland's role in riding has not been a focus for MP

I am trying to fathom the logic and priorities of our elected MP, Colin Mayes.

On the one hand, he chooses to stay aloof, on the sidelines, while his riding residents who live in Falkland are long-distance punted south, touching down in Princeton’s (different riding) end zone.

He explains his apathy by saying it is a public process, not a political one.

Simultaneously, our MP composes a lengthy column in The Morning Star about the dangers of obesity.

Colin, when did obesity become a political process, rather than a public one?

How should voters understand this pattern of behaviour? Is the Okanagan-Shuswap experiencing dynamic leadership, or safe, low-profile, political followership?

The people in Falkland deserve better. I’m sure quite a few even voted for Mr. Mayes to represent them in Ottawa, right Colin?

So why fumble the ball out of bounds when the chips are down?

Jerry Reitman



Vernon Morning Star