MPs toe the line while corporations have their way

I, too, contacted MP Ron Cannan regarding the XL Food Fiasco, but he had little to say on the matter.

To the editor:

My kudos to Richard Drinnan regarding his open letter, Food Safety Questioned (Oct. 23, Capital News) to MP Ron Cannan. He has certainly done his research.

I, too, contacted MP Ron Cannan regarding the XL Food Fiasco, but he had little to say on the matter, other that he hadn’t heard from anyone in his constituency concerning this.

He also had little to say on the Enbridge Pipeline Proposal, other than to ask me “How did you get here?”

This cop-out comment is lame as the alternatives are limited to bikes, buses, and walking. He fails to own-up to the real problem—government funding in the billions to rich oil companies. Imagine if that money was used instead for alternative energy development? (But that would eliminate the government pockets in the short term.)

PM Harper must keep a tight ship, for it appears that no Conservative Member of Parliament will speak up against a party bill. Their last omnibus Bill 38 encompassed over 700 resolutions, many affecting Canadians’ rights and freedom of speech and especially those concerning food safety and northern pipeline proposals. How could a Member of Parliament possibly know the nature of such a huge number of proposed laws? Or are they taking the approach of keeping their heads in the sand, like so many other Canadians?

Now they have given us another omnibus Bill 45 without any public input, and FIPA (China foreign investment agreement). How will Chinese investment affect our food safety and the Canadian environment? Remember, China is not a democratic country.

While Richard Drinnan calls for government to upgrade their public policies to protect Canadians, I would add that Canadians need to stand up (or at least take notice of what is happening ) to the degradation of democracy in this country and to voice their concerns.

Use pen, protests, personal contact with your Member of Parliament, and your vote.

Janice Sich,


Kelowna Capital News