Much at stake for Jumbo

It’s been well over 20 years with the environmental process.

Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort:

It’s been well over 20 years with the environmental process. There has always been  strong opposition, and over the past 10 years there has been even a stronger number opposed, including the District of Invermere.

Five years ago the government cancelled public input and how convenient that the democratic process was eliminated. So how can this decision to go ahead with the development plans for a village resort be based on 1,000 for and 1,000 against this proponent’s investment?

Inside sources have admitted that the decision was based on the fact the proponent has spent a lot of money on the environmental process. Are we surprised? The real fact is the risk of the development’s proponent’s investment/investors is at hand too.

I would be the first to admit that the Jumbo Glacier environment is the best and hosts the most unique slopes for the skiers’ divine experience. However, the most important fact remains you can’t put a shovel in the ground and expect it to go down half an inch. In short, it is not an environmentally safe proposal or investment.

The other fact is that the government’s method of grizzly management is extinction. So money for profit over environmental impact reality is poor decision making.

We said we wouldn’t turn our back on keeping Jumbo Glacier Valley natural, and that is not only a fact but a promise too.

Jana Harmon



Nelson Star