Much to give thanks for

As we sit down for Thanksgiving dinner, let's accentuate the positive

We may not have a romantic story about pilgrims, but we have much to be thankful for this holiday weekend.

If there is a more beautiful, diverse region in the country, we haven’t seen it. And the extension of the good weather only adds to the enjoyment of our natural surroundings.

We have no shortage of active, community-minded volunteers who provide fun, life-enriching opportunities in the fields of arts, culture and sports. Many more do good deeds every day to help the less fortunate and those stricken with disease and other challenges.

We have an active, respectful political scene, with enough people to ensure one faction does not rule the day over another.

That stated, and in the spirit of transparency, we are thankful for the occasional political loose cannon — who are we to ignore great quotes?

We are thankful we live in a free market society that has not, at least yet, turned into a nanny state where the government is expected to take care of everyone from cradle to grave.

We are thankful for the largest shellfish industry in North America, the best sandcastle event in the world and the coolest car show this side of Detroit (thank you Gary Hopkins, may you rest in peace).

We are thankful Oceanside residents make an effort to shop local and seem to realize the shopkeeper they deal with today could very well be a neighbour, a person who contributes to the tax base and quality of life in our district, and worthy of their support.

We are thankful for the water that surrounds us, both fresh and salted, for it gives us life and sustains all creatures who call this area home.

We at The NEWS are thankful for our plentiful, interested and intelligent readers who give us support, are always open to help us spread the word, and keep us in check when the need arises.

Operating a newspaper with such an engaged readership is a joy.


— editorial by John Harding



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