Muffler required

Resident concerned about noise coming from a plane flying overhead

This letter is in response to many letters to the editor regarding the airport and noise.

I believe that some of the contributors, such as the board of directors from the Vernon Flying Club, M. Goode, G. Hesford and others, are ignoring the elephant sitting on the runway.

From my point of view, the overall issue is not airport noise but in particular the plane or planes that the jump club uses.

I have lived in my current location for coming on 38 years, and have never had reason to complain about noise from the airport.

My house is directly under the flight path of the many small planes, jets and helicopters using the airport. It’s not a problem as most of the planes flying overhead are very quiet and if they aren’t, it is only a bit of noise as they are taking off or coming in to land.

Let’s not confuse the issue with helicopters medivacing  at 2:30 a.m. for emergencies or helicopters used by the orchardists.

The elephant on the runway is the plane that the jump club uses to train and jump from.

Put a muffler on it.

If you can’t find a muffler for it, buy a new plane, especially if there is that much money and interest in the sport of jumping out of a plane.

The plane sounds like a lawn mower without a muffler, a chainsaw or a mosquito on steroids.

When you can hear it continuously circle the city while sitting in your backyard and you can hear it when you are in your house, something is wrong. Put a muffler on it.

You folks have been around for a long time but this issue has become a hot topic over the past two years, so what has changed?

Flight path?

I am not sure I even care what has changed. Put a muffler on it.

I called the jump club to try and understand why the increase in noise from the plane over the past couple of years. I got a very defensive person trying to tell me that safety was an issue.

I don’t understand that but put a muffler on it.

From the response I got, I could tell that they have been fielding lots of calls. I e-mailed the airport several months ago and used their online format to explain my issue with a check in the box for them to respond to my concerns. To date, I have not heard a peep from them.

To clarify my position on this matter to the flying club, you are entitled to jump out of planes and train people to fly, and run a safe, profitable business, pay taxes and enjoy your jumping life.

Kudos to you. But your needs do not trump my needs to be able to enjoy my outside and inside space at my residence of 38 years that I also pay taxes on.

If the City of Vernon bylaws do not cover air space and noise, then perhaps there should be some discussion about getting a bylaw on the books and enforcing it.

Donna Ru



Vernon Morning Star