Multimillion-dollar bridge and trail ideas not worth discussing

At a council meeting last month, this current council veered into amazing ineptness.

To the Editor,

Re: Council weighs case for bridge upgrade, June 30.

At a council meeting last month, this current council veered into amazing ineptness. While the city was spared the all-too-frequent conflict (but not meanness) instigated by our mayor, the inability of many on council and staff to exercise effective planning and co-ordination was on show for all. In one meeting they were tempted to spend $5 million on a new Bastion Street bridge and $7 million on a two-kilometre extension of the E&N Trail. This despite neither of these projects being supported at an all-day capital priorities meeting the week before. For the record, Mayor Bill McKay and councillors Diane Brennan, Wendy Pratt and Ian Thorpe want to spend millions of taxpayers’ dollars on these projects, despite all but ignoring them the week before. It all makes you wonder if taxpayers are really getting any benefit for all the money this council spends going to conferences and seminars.

Les BarclayNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin