Multiplex idea just ‘madness’

NANAIMO – Re: No multiplex on my dime, thank you, Opinion, April 27.

To the Editor,

Re: No multiplex on my dime, thank you, Opinion, April 27.

I, and a great many Nanaimoites, agree with Chris Hamlyn’s column.

Council entertaining to build a taxpayer-funded multiplex is not merely poorly conceived, but utter madness in light of past failures with taxpayer-funded ventures in this town.

On top of that, council is blind to the current state of taxes in our town and the fragile state of the global economy.

I find myself seething at how supposedly knowledgeable and experienced members of the public, now elected members of our council, cannot see the logic and reason for our present situation.

Everyone I speak to seems to hold an opinion similar to mine – our taxes and service rates increase by leaps and bounds each year, yet city council and management is still wasting public funds on hair-brained schemes.

The only explanation I can think of for their behaviour is an overwrought sense of political correctness and workplace civility.

Where every proposal and idea put forth is greeted with words of encouragement and nods of approval.

No matter how bad the idea, or how terrible the writing, no one dares state the obvious.

With respect to taxpayer dollars, however, we simply can’t afford a council packed with yes-men and women.

We need people who will question everything, and call things as they really are.

I sincerely hope those members of council still nodding in approval to this ridiculous multiplex idea will come to their senses before too long.

We’ve already wasted hard earned dollars on that toxic waste dump of a property, and my grandmother always said “there’s no sense throwing away good money after bad.”

Brendan Millbank


Nanaimo News Bulletin