Municipal hall an ugly duckling

Re: Our ugly new civic offices. We have made our first visit to the new offices on Main Street. What a disaster.

Re: Our ugly new civic offices.

We have made our first visit to the new offices on Main Street. What a disaster.

From the outside, it appears to be an old warehouse with cement blocks and cheap siding.

It has additions here and there and if it had wings it could possibly fly.

The building is in the wrong location, with one-storey buildings on each side. We have been told by the powers that be that it represents a houseboat. Can’t you see the tourists visiting our town exclaiming, “look at the houseboat on Main Street.”

We locals can’t figure this out.

The interior is even worse. We were expecting it would be bright and cheery. Just the reverse. On entering from Main Street, the lobby is so large it could probably hold another office or two.

There are cement block walls and ugly cement floors. It is dark and dreary with no charm whatsoever. The reception area is in the centre with no windows, and seems to be a poor location for the receptionist. Again it has cement blocks walls and is dreary. We can’t imagine the cost of heat, power, etc.

We have spoken to many people about this building and, as yet, we have not found one person who feels we taxpayers have got our money’s worth.

Millions of dollars (approximately six I understand) went into this abomination and most of us feel it is disgraceful for the cost.

It appears to a lot of us that big bucks were made somewhere along the line.

We were probably better off with the old offices than having this ugly duckling.


Jim West



Eagle Valley News