
Two groups could show a bit of class and culture by working together for the benefit of both and the community as a whole

Your article in a recent paper regarding the need of both the museum and the art gallery for new premises was interesting.

I would hope most voters in Greater Vernon do recognize these needs.

Is  Mr. Christensen  the spokesperson for everyone at the art gallery because I find his comments to be divisive and somewhat condescending?

Perhaps the gallery has had the resources to put together a complete package while the museum has not. They said it was nearly complete. To imply the museum is a latecomer is very unfair and misleading as they have been lobbying for more space for years.

Culture encompasses many things besides art – music, literature, achievements and heritage are but a few.

We have a fine purpose-built performing arts centre and a lovely new library because the citizens recognized the need for them. No one aspect is superior or posher than the other.

Instead of being divisive and me first, perhaps the two groups could show a bit of class and culture by working together for the benefit of both and the community as a whole.

A large purpose-built building on the old Coldstream Hotel property would be entirely suitable and an enormous asset to the citizens of Greater Vernon. It is central to everything with ample parking area plus is now very accessible by transit, and yes I understand transit users do attend the art gallery and events. Wasn’t Midsummer Eve of the Arts held at the cenotaph site this year?

Certainly in the short-term it would cost more today to build one joint facility but that is terribly short sighted. Renovating one or two places is penny wise and totally pound foolish!

Has not the art gallery already had one expansion from the upstairs premise on 30th Street to their present location? How long before they will want to move yet again? What happens in 15 to 20 years from now? Foresight was shown when the present city hall complex was built.

Now is our turn to show foresight and build properly for the future of our community.

Three cheers for Mr. Macnabb and Ms. Lord of the GVAC for their commonsense approach and let’s hope a few others can get involved  and on board as well.

Personally, I would vote Yes for a new joint facility but would vote No for patchwork renovations.


P. J. Sault, Vernon



Vernon Morning Star