Musical tribute to our veterans touching

Dear editor,

On Feb. 3 at the full-house Florence Filberg Centre, I attended the musical tribute to veterans Memories of the War Years.

Dear editor,

On Feb. 3 at the full-house Florence Filberg Centre, I attended the 2.5-hour musical tribute to veterans entitled Memories of the War Years.

A lady who came with me confessed afterwards that she could not remember the last time she had felt so moved.

I can think of no greater accolade than that.

The co-operate effort included members from all three Valley Legions, cadets, Len Wilkie and the Lensmen, piper, pianist, the Evergreen Club Choristers,  Legion colour party, soloists, members of CFB Comox, and many, many more.

The rehearsals must have been numerous,  time spent involving hours and hours. In addition, the costumes/uniforms had been unearthed with great diligence, the various segments and arrangements painstakingly planned, and the selection of songs carefully researched.

In naval parlance familiar to me, my own relatively small tribute: A “Well done.”

Finn Schultz-Lorentzen,



Comox Valley Record