My deepest gratitude

Sedaz Lingerie owner Amy Brandstetter gives thanks to the community for its reaction after July 27's Main Street fire destroyed her store.

I wanted to take the time to express my deepest gratitude to our beautiful community. Monday, July 27, 2015 was one of the toughest days I’ve faced in a long time. I received several texts from Main Street bystanders and friends describing the tragedy at hand. The building where I started it all was on fire. My husband and I rushed into town, as we live over 30 minutes away, and witnessed with our own eyes the reality of the situation. Our business was never to be the same. So thankful that no one was hurt; so BLOWN AWAY at the amazing teamwork, effort, drive and determination that the volunteer firefighters showed. They worked so, so hard and really are heroes, I’m sure in more eyes than ours. Not only did they put out the fire, but they saved the two other neighbouring businesses. My hat goes off to each and everyone of you! A job more than well done.

As we watched the building get pummeled with thousands of gallons of water, I couldn’t help but cry, sob, feel helpless. So many kind-hearted gestures made, words of support spoken, empathy expressed. Looking around, it was clear that there were those who were as heartbroken as I felt. So many people throughout this week have offered their deepest condolences. Thank you. One of the hardest days. We’ve worked so hard to grow our business and are steadily doing so. Today is a new day.

Sedaz Lingerie will re-open as soon as possible. I’m so proud of my business, its support and our success. I have more in me than to let that devastation take away everything we’ve worked so hard for. Really, what was destroyed are just objects … not the heart or soul of my business. With a beautiful plan underway, inventory on the way and a drive like nobody’s business, you will all see Sedaz bigger and better than ever before. It was a plan already in the works: our 2016 expansion, only now being pushed forward. We are ready.

Aside from my OVERWHELMING appreciation for the community’s show of compassion and support, I am deeply thankful to the hard-working professionals at the Bulkley Valley Insurance office and the Bulkley Valley Credit Union. You make me feel like family. Your bend-over-backwards attitude and efforts are over the top and I will never forget that.

Like most businesses, Sedaz Lingerie is insured. In saying that, it’s my family’s bread and butter, and although it’s insured, it’s always a process. Thank you to both businesses for seeing the urgency and doing everything possible to help my family at this time.

We are so thankful to be part of such an amazing community. My heart goes out to those of you who lost your homes. I’m deeply sorry. I’m in no situation at the moment to help you financially but if there is anything I can do to help you in any other way, please contact me through my business Facebook page and I will do whatever I can.

Amy Brandstetter

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