My pocketbook not bottomless

Not easy paying for B.C. Hydro, gas, mortgage and cable on $1,300 pension

Editor, The News:

When did a three per cent  tax increase turned to one of seven per cent?

Who is doing the math in the finance department?

And the district wants to borrow money to build a fire hall in Albion?

What about learning how to budget, Mr. Mayor and council?

I have to balance my pension of $1,300 against a Hydro rate increase, gas rate increase, Internet/cable increase and mortgage. There is not much left to pay for food, petrol, house and car maintenance.

So turn it down. My pocket is not bottomless.

I do need a roof over my head and a garden to plant my food.

Z. Matej

Maple Ridge


Out of control

Editor, The News:

I recently received my notice for property taxes.

As we were warned, they’ve gone up, mine to the tune of $111.83, totaling over $4,000.

My housing assessment went down by $10,000.

It’s bad enough when your property value goes down that much, but even worse when the tax bill goes up.

The biggest gripe I have, however, is the fact that this mayor, and his council, can pee away $10,000 on those useless, unattractive Maple leaf standards on Dewdney Trunk Road near Lougheed Highway, without any public consultation, and think it’s OK.

Sidewalks to nowhere, steel maple leaf standards that have absolutely no value, this mayor and council are out of control with useless spending.

As far as I’m concerned, if they have that much money that they can spend it on the crap they are choosing, then my property taxes should be going down, not up.

I wouldn’t vote for any of them again. We need a reality check on our municipal politicians, and their value mentality on spending taxpayers’ money.

John Turner

Maple Ridge


Taxes necessary

Editor, The News:

Every year at this time when people see their property taxes they complain about taxes and blame politicians.

Right now we have a big strike with teachers and people writing to say we need to spend more on education – i.e. raise taxes.

Then you have others who complain about high taxes.

Politicians are blamed for spending not enough and for spending too much.

Those who complain about high taxes are usually quick to identify areas that are the cause. Kevin Buell blamed high gas prices and compares to areas that pay less. Norway pay twice what we do and Arab countries pay half of that.  There is a reason for these differences and taxes are a good part.  Norway taxes are higher and Arab countries do not tax gas.

People who live in countries with low gas prices want to come to Canada for a reason.  The low taxes in those countries usually means little is spent to make them desirable places to live.

Taxes are necessary to make this the best place in the world to live.  I would never think of moving to any other these low tax countries.

The only question is what and how much should taxes charge. If we want more spent on education, health care and other services, what taxes do we increase? If you do not want tax increases, what are you going to give up?

It usually gets down to blaming others like corporations, politicians or government salaries, or just poor management for the high taxes and ways to decrease taxes – never services that complaining tax payers use.

The HST was a fairer tax system that was thrown out for a more costly one.   So even when some better system is put in place it is rejected.

Dan Banov

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News