Nanaimo ALS patient thankful, hopeful

The series you published is deserving of recognition and resulted in my being contacted by two other ALS patients.

To the Editor,

Re: A journey with ALS: Serge’s story, April 15.

Heartfelt thanks and appreciation goes to the ALS Society of B.C. for having motivated me to bring awareness to the society’s work to help ALS patients and their families with the challenges they face. The support is immeasurable and a huge financial relief, as well.

To the News Bulletin’s editor Melissa Fryer and last and far from least, to Tamara Cunningham, for helping me reach yet another goal, the series you published is deserving of recognition and resulted in my being contacted by two other ALS patients – one diagnosed last month and the other 12 years ago, wanting to give me hope.

Your earlier coverage about the Walk for ALS on the mid Island helped save this huge fundraising event and on that note, I have entered the walk in the hopes of raising $5,000.

Thank you all for your support.

Serge VaillancourtNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin