Nanaimo needs year-round market

We all agree that an all-year-round market would be a great asset to downtown.

To the Editor,

Re: Nanaimo businesses preparing for influx of Chinese tourists, Aug. 29.

I am impressed with the enthusiastic reaction of the downtown merchants.

As newcomers to Nanaimo from Toronto, my wife and I have made many new friends and often discuss the growth of the area.

We all agree that an all-year-round market would be a great asset to downtown, a market that would showcase local products like the fish around our shores, the many Island cheeses, the wines produced locally, the good coffees that are ground on the Island, the beer from our many micro breweries, the local produce and of course a restaurant and coffee shop. Just a suggestion from an interested observer.

Norm Titleyvia e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin