Nanaimo’s expansion must be from within

Re: Make vehicles less convenient, Opinion, March 15.

To the Editor,

Re: Make vehicles less convenient, Opinion, March 15.

Besides not widening city roads for more cars, stop continuing to build further suburban sprawl.

Put a moratorium on any more expansion of city boundaries until all vacant lots within are developed.

The drafts of neighbourhood plans, circa June 2010, have future use plans for Nanaimo. People invested time and travel to develop these at meetings throughout the city.

The city should rezone according to future land use maps. This would cut red tape for any developer to promptly start building.

As for Linley Valley West, it should be rezoned high-density for apartment buildings, townhouses and even a little low-barrier housing in the mix.

Build up, not out.

Neil Saunders


Nanaimo News Bulletin