Nasty bug freezes computer

I want to apologize to my friends and neighbors for the nasty bug that took over my computer Monday, Aug. 22, at 8:45 a.m.

Editor’s Note: The following is in response to the letter writer’s email account being hijacked recently. It appears that everyone in her address book, possibly several hundred names, received emails stating that the writer was stranded overseas without adequate funds, when in fact she was safe at home in Clearwater. The email recipients were asked to phone a number in Scotland for information on how to send her money. In last week’s Clearwater RCMP report, police asked local residents to research such pleas for help before sending money.

Editor, The Times:

I want to apologize to my friends and neighbors for the nasty bug that took over my computer Monday, Aug. 22, at 8:45 a.m.

I was just merrily getting on with my day when I was suddenly frozen out of the Yahoo address and apparently it took over my identity. So look out folks, there might be more me’s out there from now on.

Thank you to everyone who phoned and was concerned for my welfare. However, I am still here in Clearwater, not in Scotland. Although I would love a nice trip, I think I would prefer to go to Australia to visit my brother.

I will have to start all over again at re-constructing my address book. Please contact me to get my new email address.

Cheryl Thomas

Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times