Native plant event soon at Sidney’s Roberts Bay

Many thanks to everyone who turned out to celebrate All Buffleheads Day on a rainy October 15 morning.

Many thanks to everyone who turned out to celebrate All Buffleheads Day on a rainy October 15 morning, at the Shoal Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary on  Roberts Bay.

Over 50 people turned out to watch for the punctual ducks, who did not show on Oct. 15 but arrived the next day!

Friends of Shoal Harbour (FOSH) set up displays and addressed the crowd about the value and biodiversity of shoreline ecosystems, members of Habitat Acquisition Trust gave out free native plant seeds and spoke about the importance of native plants and speakers representing MLA Gary Holman, MP Elizabeth May and other interest groups brought greetings.

FOSH thanks you all — stay tuned for a native plant event coming to Roberts Bay soon.

Sue Staniforth, Sidney

Peninsula News Review