Naturalists take aim at proposal

The North Okanagan Naturalists’ Club is opposed to an amphitheatre

Regarding the proposal for an outdoor amphitheatre, the North Okanagan Naturalists’ Club, representing more than 120 members and 60 years of conservation advocacy, opposes this construction project proposed for the Okanagan College property, overlooking Kalamalka Lake.

We draw your attention to the following quote from the City of Vernon’s environmental management areas (EMA) strategy: “Environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs), critical ecosystems and natural features have been identified as those areas which are at greatest risk for significant and difficult to reverse impacts to ecosystem functioning, habitat and ecosystem services, removal or disruption of habitat and corridors, or are at risk of not being adequately compensated or mitigated. These areas include ridgelines, hilltops, ravines, riparian areas and rangelands/grasslands.”

Although the site is not within Vernon, the principles and concerns stated in this strategy still have relevance.

The ravine in question is the only remaining one in the area and should be left in its natural state. Other concerns of an environmental nature are noise, runoff, insufficient washrooms, windblown trash, and insufficient parking resulting in traffic congestion and roadside parking.

Plans to construct on the ravine should be abandoned and rejected by those who have the power to do so.

Harold Sellers, president

North Okanagan Naturalists Club


Vernon Morning Star