Spice of Life

Spice of Life

Nature helps clear the virus-induced fog

Brenda takes a walk, listens to Mozart to get away from the doom and gloom

I realized this very day how much of my mind’s space it taken up trying to figure out this COVID-19 virus. It was too much most days.

Today, I was able to clear away the virus-induced fog and concentrate on the beauty of a northern spring day. A large V of Canada geese flew over. Later I could hear a lone swan. Didn’t see that. I called out to them wishing them a safe journey.

As the dogs, old cat and I sat in the sun I was entertained by more sights and sounds of the season. Flickers were very busy.

Still lots of woodpeckers and chickadees. A few juncos around now as well as a big gathering of redpolls. As I looked about I was reminding myself to clean up all the discarded seeds. Don’t want a virus to kill any birds.

I watched as one of the families of squirrels tended their young that were nestled in a split in the trunk of a poplar tree. Oh goody, more squirrels.

I don’t know how you are dealing with this new reality, but try if you can to draw yourself away from the repeating doom and gloom. We can take everything in stride making sure we stick to the rules. Don’t let all this get you down.

Today, I did the outside stuff and when I was inside once more I listened to music. As I talk to you a Mozart violin concerto # 3 is performed by Itzhak Perlman. Beautiful. When the cat comes back inside for the night I will put on nature music so he can purr away his memories of the day.

I see much kindness out there. I remember the last time I shopped I heard a customer thanking a clerk at No Frills. Someone gave me a cart with a Looney in place. Some fellow wished me well. He did however call me “Dude.” I better get a new outfit.

Folks have called to make sure I am OK. Some would even shop for me. Kindness comes in the form of wood stacked in my porch. Others just come by to make sure I am still upright.

We can all do a little something for those who need a positive moment. A virus free moment.

We will get through all this with a few positive thoughts and just knowing this turmoil will not last forever — will it?

Stay well, be positive and call 250-846-5095 if you feel so inclined. An email comes to mallory@bulkley.net.

Smithers Interior News