NDP agricultural critic made erroneous statements

Local abattoir advocate takes NDP critic to task on her comments

To the editor:

I would like to comment on the erroneous statements made by BC NDP agriculture critic Lana Popham regarding the mobile abattoir, headlined Agriculture critic looks at local issues on page A14 in the April 17 edition of the 100 Mile House Free Press.

The correct information is a brand new mobile abattoir unit has been ordered and is in construction phase and will arrive in 100 Mile House in mid-August, and it will be operational for the fall run.

The statements made by Ms. Popham saddened those of us who have worked on this project for months. I don’t know whether she just doesn’t understand the importance of this unit to the producers in the South Cariboo or whether she really cares.

What Popham needs to understand is this facility will serve both NDP and B.C. Liberal supporters. For her to try to undermine the progress of the project for the sake of a political election is unforgivable.

Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick was given the meat-inspection file in 2012. Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett, who had been working closely with a group of locals on the slaughter issue, immediately got us an audience with him.

Letnick not only listened to what we had to say, but also travelled the province listening to all stakeholders affected by the new meat-inspection regulations, including the abattoirs.

When he called a meeting of all industry stakeholders in November 2012 in Abbotsford, he included everyone the regulations would affect. Popham was also invited.

Letnick listened to everyone and then he tackled all the issues surrounding these regulations. He implemented solutions to help the producers in communities like 100 Mile House that had been left out in the cold. He did a great job.

Instead of publishing erroneous information Popham should have got her facts straight and offered her congratulations to both Letnick and Barnett on their achievement. It is thanks to their tireless efforts, area producers will now have slaughter back in 100 Mile House and be able to conduct business in a very competitive market.

Diane Wood

Lac la Hache

100 Mile House Free Press