NDP anti-business and anti-growth

There is a very good chance we will end up with an NDP majority government and that never ends well for any province.

Dear Editor:

I am very concerned about the B.C. provincial election coming up.

Why am I concerned? Because there is a very good chance we will end up with an NDP majority government and that never ends well for any province that has ever had an NDP government.

Ask Saskatchewan how they liked being held back by the NDP. They are now leading the country in growth under a conservative-minded government.

Ask Ontario how their experiment with the NDP worked out for them in the 1990s.  They canned the NDP at the earliest convenience after Bob Rae and his team destroyed their economy and doubled their unemployment rate.

Ask Manitoba how they like having their PST raised a full percent this coming July and having their right to vote on that tax increase removed from law by their governing NDP.

Do you remember what BC was like in the 1990s. Adrian Dix was a big part of that government.  I, along with tens of thousands of others had to leave the province just to get a job. In Alberta, people referred to the B.C. government as Alberta’s best job creator.

We are becoming the “Province of No.” We are saying No to every proposed industrial development whether it’s ski resorts, mines, or pipelines and the loudest critics and opponents to all of these economic proposals are NDP leaders and MLAs.  You can understand why business is scared to invest anything in this province.  Four of my own clients have put projects on hold in case the NDP win.

Adrian Dix has announced that the NDP will raise taxes on corporations, they will impose a new tax on banks, broaden the reach of the Carbon Tax and increase income tax on individuals making more than $150,000 a year.

Business won’t eat that tax increase out of the goodness of their heart and will pass it on to their customers…so this is really a tax increase on the general public.  Many of those people affected by the tax increase are the ones providing you and me with jobs.

These policies are anti-business and anti-economic growth.

Sure the Liberals mishandled the HST, but the people had their say and we got rid of it. Is that worth kicking them out over when the alternative has already proven to be a much worse experience?

Let’s learn from our history, because History is about to repeat itself.

Craig Bloom



Summerland Review