NDP candidate the choice for this Comox Valley voter

Dear editor,

I am writing to express my support for our NDP candidate Kassandra Dycke.

Dear editor,

I am writing to express my support for our NDP candidate Kassandra Dycke.

I am not at all persuaded to vote for Don McRae because he is a “nice guy.” Where does he stand on development for the Raven coal mine? He just follows the Liberal Party line.

The BC Liberal platform contains hardly any new ideas, a jobs plan that has already resulted in thousands of lost jobs, and a promise of a debt-free government that flies in the face of growing debt under the BC Liberals.

I think that oil tankers, pipelines and dirty energy projects are now the single most important issue in this election.

The NDP have a clear environmental platform that puts the interests of people ahead of the interests of the corporations.

The Harper government and the oil and the gas lobby have made their agenda clear — they want to use our province as an energy export corridor to move tar sands bitumen and fracked gas through B.C. to overseas markets. This irresponsible path is threatening the quality of our air, land, and water, while creating very few permanent jobs and destabilizing our climate.

I think (and I am not alone) that this is a step backwards that will leave our environment vulnerable to tanker spills and ground water contamination, while betting our economy on volatile global energy prices.

The benefits of building a long-term clean energy economy founded on good jobs and healthy communities far outweighs the risks of dirty energy mega-projects that could wipe out local economies and destroy B.C.’s world-renowned environment.

I have had enough of this short-sighted economic planning. It’s time to build a secure and sustainable economy founded on good jobs and healthy communities.

If you care about the future for our children and our grandchildren then, the only sensible choice in this election is to vote NDP.

This includes people who support the Green Party. I hope they won’t waste their vote by voting Green. It is time to put public interests ahead of corporate interests.

David Stevenson,



Comox Valley Record