NDP conflicting priorities

Re: B.C. budget needs to address poverty, justice, Guest Comment; Garrison tees off for golf courses, News, Feb. 22, 2012.

Re: B.C. budget needs to address poverty, justice, Guest Comment; Garrison tees off for golf courses, News, Feb. 22, 2012.

In the Goldstream Gazette on Feb, 22 Maureen Karagianis, NDP MLA,  says “the budget needs to address poverty and justice.”

On the front page, B.C.  NDP MP Randall Garrison has introduced a private member’s bill in Parliament to have golf included as a tax write off business expense.

The National Golf Course Owners Assocation is thrilled.

Austerity measures you say, obviously not in B.C.

Margaret Boardman




Goldstream News Gazette