NDP needed now more than ever

Dear editor,

I am writing about a letter from E.W. Bopp that dismisses the NDP as a viable political option for the voters.

Dear editor,

I am writing about a letter you recently published from E.W. Bopp that dismisses the NDP as a viable political option for the voters.

It seems that Bopp is against socialism but his allegation that socialism has been an “abysmal failure throughout the world” needs to be challenged.

Throughout the world and here in Canada social-democratic governments have been hugely successful in creating prosperous societies. You only need to look at the OECD’s Better Life Index which looks at the quality of life in member countries.

Among the  top 15 countries are eight social-democratic countries like Finland, Switzerland, Denmark and Norway. It is obvious that socialist countries, such as these Nordic ones are very successful in providing a high quality of life for their citizens.

Bopp’s assertion that “free” enterprise is the obvious choice for voters also needs to be challenged.

The neo-liberal economic  agenda “abysmally failed” in 2008.  Capitalism only survived by the socialist act of being bailed out by taxpayers.

The capitalist economic system creates great inequality.

Recent report have shown how the one per cent at the top have disproportionately benefited from cutting corporate taxes, cutting social programs, reducing wages, and weakening unions.

I would encourage everyone to read The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. It clearly demonstrates that capitalist societies have greater inequality and that a more equal society would benefit everybody.

If you want to improve the quality of life for everyone,  (i.e. less domestic violence, less mental illness, better life expectancy, less obesity, better educational performance, fewer people in prison) then you should support a political party that fights for social justice and a more equal society.

Everywhere I look all I see is that socialism works.

I drive on a socialist road, I swim at a socialist recreation centre, I borrow books from a socialist library, my children attend a socialist school, I get superior medical care from my socialist medical system, and my home is protected by a socialist police force and firefighters.

I think we need more socialism to balance out the excesses of capitalism. A good start would be voting in a political party that will stand up to the neo-liberal agenda of the Harper government and reverse the corporate tax cuts that deprive the federal government of about $14 million annually.

With that money we can bring in needed programs like a national pharmacare program, a national day care program  and a national housing program.  Rather than dismissing the NDP as Bopp did, I think we need the NDP more than ever.

David Stevenson,



Comox Valley Record