NDP not always united, see pipelines

There goes letter writer Bernie Smith once again shooting from the hip without, as usual, doing enough research on the topic.

There goes letter writer Bernie Smith once again shooting from the hip without, as usual, doing enough research on the topic.

If Smith would take the time to do his research, he would have noticed that the Kinder Morgan project is still a go in B.C., if Kinder Morgan can guarantee all of the stipulations asked of the B.C. Liberal government.

Presently, Kinder Morgan has not met all of the stipulations.

Newly-elected NDP premier Rachel Notley in Alberta wants the project to start immediately if not sooner and B.C. NDP leader John Horgan never wants to see the project started. So much for the theory that the NDP are united.

Joe SawchukDuncan

Parksville Qualicum Beach News