NDP not credible managers of our money

Dear editor,

Ronna-Rae Leonard, federal NDP candidate, said that B.C. should get to keep the $1.6 billion despite the fact that B.C. did not live up to their contract obligations.

Dear editor,

Ronna-Rae Leonard, federal NDP candidate, said that B.C. should get to keep the $1.6 billion despite the fact that B.C. did not live up to their contract obligations.

Is this how the federal NDP party would run the country if they were in charge? As an NDP government in Ottawa, they would just give away yours and my tax dollars to anybody who thought they should get money for doing nothing?

Is there anybody who honestly does thinks the other provincial governments would not ask why B.C. gets a $1.6-billion freebie, and also demand extra billions of dollars from Canada government?

Would an NDP government just give it to all the provinces and territories, adding tens of billions to the national debt?

Ms. Leonard, can you guarantee me that Thomas Mulcair and the rest of the Quebecois NDP will not also demand a freebie of billions for Quebec?

The only NDP party I trust to be responsible is that of Nova Scotia Premier Darrel Dexter. Premier Dexter understands that a value-added tax (called HST) is a good policy. Darrel not did get rid of their tax but raised the HST by two per cent so the Nova Scotia NDP government could increase social benefits.

The NDP government of Darrel Dexter also kept previously legislated tax cuts on large corporations. His government believes in governing responsibly, not by the most popular policies.

If the NDP starts to shows they have a understanding of fiscal reality like Premier Dexter and not base their policies on political expediencies of attacking sound fiscal solutions, they might someday see my vote. In the meantime I will continue to vote for the other parties.

Nina Usherwood,


Comox Valley Record