NDP will put infrastructure on hold due to deficit

The fact is that the new hospital will be put on hold because the province has no money.


NDP will put infrastructure on hold due to deficit

A recent letter from Alicia Todd states that the government should begin construction of the new hospital and use the old hospital as a new homeless shelter. Once again a letter writer shooting off from the hip without any consideration to the facts.

The fact is that the new hospital will be put on hold because the province has no money. Next year’s provincial budget is already at a $15 billion deficit.

Alicia fails to realize why B.C. had a snap provincial election. The snap election was called because the NDP will be producing a bad boy budget next year that is going to cost B.C. taxpayers to pay out more in taxes. This bad boy budget would cause the NDP to lose the election if the election was held in October of 2021.

This $15 billion deficit budget will put all infrastructure projects on hold. All infrastructure projects promised in the election campaign will not begin.

Now that the B.C. taxpayers got fooled in the snap election and voted in a 57-seat majority NDP government, the government can proceed with their bad boy budget. The real reason for calling a snap election.


Joe Sawchuk


Cowichan Valley Citizen