Needless rules

Please don’t make us carry a book around listing all of the city bylaws

As a property owner and taxpayer in Vernon, I ask the city councillors to save us from unnecessary bylaws that would regulate the already regulated — especially bylaws that are passed on the precautionary principle.

That is laws that are created where evidence of harm is inconclusive.

I appreciate the principle. I use it all the time when I try to make decisions.

I read all I can. I listen to those in the know, and even read letters to the editor to be better informed.

I then consider it a privilege to make my own decision.

It is a freedom I hold dearly.

Imagine how many bylaws could be written by a desire to be totally risk-free.

Give us, as citizens of this great country, the credit to make up our own minds, especially about our own properties.

Please don’t make us carry a book around listing all of the city bylaws so we don’t do something that may cause an already busy bylaw officer to knock on our door.

From my former experience in the business and in regards to pesticides on our personal properties, we should use the precautionary principle.

However, please don’t drive pesticides underground by making it a bylaw to refrain from its Health Canada approved use.

May I ask how much of your donated money to the Canadian Cancer Society actually goes to cancer research?

I don’t know, but it might be a good precautionary principle to find out.

Kay Coleman



Vernon Morning Star