Neighbour beefs mean-spirited

When you provide a public platform for a bully, you engage in bullying.

To the Editor,

Re: Beefs & Bouquets, May 22.

You’ve published abusive beefs by that bully for months; I’m sick of it. When you provide a public platform for a bully, you engage in bullying.

The neighbour’s unemployment doesn’t hurt that beefer. The only thing that beefer gains from having their beefs published is the joy of being mean to someone. We don’t know why the unemployed neighbour is unemployed. He or she could be struggling with addiction, depression or other mental health issues. Giving voice to that beefer’s abusive words is irresponsible.

Refusing to publish mean-spirited trash isn’t censorship, it’s responsible, compassionate journalism.

Leaf KotasekGabriola Island

Nanaimo News Bulletin