Neighbour opposes Port Sidney plans

PNR reader says plans for Port Sidney Marina won't be good for neighbours

Re: Port of contention (News, Aug. 3)

The Town of Sidney’s Town Talk states, “We want to make our community a better place.”

While we realize our town’s council has received an advance request and are obligated to deal with it, what is it going to take to make the Port Sidney Marina group understand they cannot continue to impose their nightmarish wishes upon the citizens of Sidney, who lease the land and the water lots to them?

The marina’s lessees demonstrate little respect for the homeowners fronting the marina, many of whom were here before the marina was originally approved. May we suggest these many property owners contribute considerably more annually to the coffers of the town than the some 2,000 people visiting each year through the efforts of the marina charter companies.

Such a distraction from the natural view to the islands would compromise the whole landscape and would not be for the public good. Try to imagine the look and huge imposition from the reflection of the sun off the white metal bins, right in the living room windows of some of Sidney’s most valuable real estate.

Must neighbours and those enjoying the waterfront walkway have to tolerate a flat surfaced, white metal box-like structure, surrounding an area that could be used for parties and future entertainment?

And, it will be too hot. The next request could be to put a tent-like structure over the proposed sitting area. Noise too, from opening and closing metal storage doors, could be a serious factor as noise travels to shore at great speed and exaggeration.

We suggest the marina group could possibly purchase storage over by the airport. Trucks and cars can be very effective in moving things.

Lastly, may we suggest such a move would come at a considerable cost to the value of the neighbourhood and could quite possibly result in a class action lawsuit against the town, if approved.

What do we want our waterfront to look like in years to come? Do we want to lose our present-day view lines?

Do we want to “make our community a better place”? We hope so.

We again suggest town council not consider allowing such a thing to take place.

With deep concern, we will encourage many others to take a stand.

Anna and Joe Brown


Peninsula News Review