Neighbours helping out neighbours

April 6 to 12 is National Volunteer Week and an opportune time to recognize and thank our many residents who volunteer their time

April 6 to 12 is National Volunteer Week and an opportune time to recognize and thank our many residents who volunteer their time and talents to make Salmon Arm the absolute best place to live.

Our volunteers are caring individuals who get involved, selflessly helping out in our community and making a big difference.  Indeed, they are the backbone of our community.  Volunteers are everywhere; cleaning up litter on roadsides, organizing fundraising events for worthwhile charities, serving on boards of directors, driving individuals to out-of-town medical appointments, caring for our environment – the list goes on and on.

At the city we have a number of volunteer advisory committees helping us as we strive to serve you in the very best way possible.

There are volunteers who simply reach out to their neighbours. As a single mom, I was the recipient of the selfless generosity of a volunteer.  My retired neighbour, who owned a snow blower,  decided he would help out by making sure my driveway was cleared each and every time it snowed. He didn’t do this after lunch or when it was convenient for him but rather he cleared my driveway early in the morning after a snowfall so I could get my children to school and myself to work on time.  While this gentleman is no longer with us he was such an inspiration that I have never forgotten him. He simply volunteered and did what he could to help a neighbour.

So to all caring individuals who get involved, selflessly helping out in our community and making difference to the whole community, or to the life of just one person, I say, thank you!

And I am reminded of Ghandi’s noble words, “The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Nancy Cooper


Salmon Arm Observer