Nelson council must do its homework on theatre plan

All credit to the Civic Theatre Society for their hard work and enthusiasm.

All credit to the Civic Theatre Society for their hard work and enthusiasm. I hope that their plan and proposal is thorough, carefully worked out and practical. It would be nice if Nelson regained its main film venue and it was well supported by the community in terms of “butts in seats,” so that it becomes a going concern.

And speaking of concerns — here’s mine.  I trust (and fully expect) that city council will review the society’s proposal with a keen, perhaps even jaundiced, eye and a magnifying glass, and make the society very, very aware that the taxpayers of Nelson are not going to pick up the tab if the theatre’s revenue vs. expense realities don’t measure up to predictions. Obviously, they didn’t for the previous resuscitation effort. But maybe now there is a new community attitude and awareness thanks to the society’s efforts and the place will play a major role in Nelson’s entertainment scene. Wouldn’t that be great?

Bob Wilson



Nelson Star