Nelson council needs to come to their senses

Mr. Bailey’s diatribe and exaggeration has little place in the debate that has been going on.

Mr. Bailey’s diatribe and exaggeration in the Nelson Star on January 18 (“Keep dogs off Baker Street”) has little place in the debate that has been going on for far too long.

It is heartening that a Nelson Business Association is bringing that matter to council and hopefully have enough influence that the matter can finally have a proper airing.

J.L. Craig has got it right in her letter “Town of nutters” (February 1). Where are all the pouncing Great danes and cowering children? There isn’t a town in Canada or even the US that I have visited that has a one-sided arbitrary bylaw such as Nelson has.

As important as it is to argue the issue of deterring tourism that the present bylaw has, it equally important that a substantial portion (as evidenced by the number of local dogs) of the local population is adversely affected. How many more locals as well as tourists have avoided making a shopping excursion to Baker Street over the years because of the archaic by-law. Hopefully council will come to their senses and correct the injustice.

Michael Freund

Nelson’s North Shore


Nelson Star