Nelson hospital front entrance needs a fix

It’s so nice to see the improvements at the Kootenay Lake Hospital with the CT scanner and the new emergency ward.

It’s so nice to see the improvements at the Kootenay Lake Hospital with the CT scanner and the new emergency ward.

However, we seem to have gone backwards in the relocation of the receptionist at the main hospital entrance. Before the update anyone could walk into the hospital and ask the person at the front desk “What room is Kokomo Joe in?” And the answer was offered with very little waiting time. With the relocation of the old front door entrance, now combined with the emergency ward entrance, in order to get a simple room location for a person we have to wait in line until all people are processed in the emergency room line-up.

We either need more staff or a system where screening is done quickly so that people who simply want information or to visit a friend can be served quickly. We don’t need to wait in a line up like at the admission to any theatre.

Robert Johnson



Nelson Star