Teck Trail signing bonuses could mean millions of dollars injected into the regional economy.

Teck Trail signing bonuses could mean millions of dollars injected into the regional economy.

Nelson offers hidden gems

When new duty limits came into effect on June 1, local business owners were likely a little nervous

Employees at Teck Trail Operations are enjoying a welcomed signing bonus announced last month.

They each received $10,000, and with an estimated 100 employees living in Nelson, local business owners and the Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce are hoping some of that will come back to Nelson.

When new duty limits came into effect on June 1, local business owners were likely a little nervous that shoppers on the Canadian side of the border would head south in search of a better deal.

It’s hard to tell whether that has actually happened, but now with this extra surge of money in the local economy, local business is hoping again that the money will stay at home.

The concept of shopping local and supporting Nelson businesses is something that should be in the forefront of everyone’s minds.

A community is built on support. Not just emotional and financial help in the way of fundraising and charity work, but also in the way we encourage the businesses that are the fabric of our economy.

For anyone who has lived in bigger urban centres, the move to a smaller city can be a bit of an adjustment.

Many of the stores and products we enjoyed in Vancouver, Calgary or Toronto may not be available in Nelson and this might create the urge to shop in Spokane or to travel back to those big cities, but hidden in our gem in the Kootenays are lots of local products that are just as good, or even better.

Next time you see that lovely pair of shoes online and think “Maybe I’ll order them,” consider there might be an equally lovely pair in Nelson, and the dollars spent at the store in town will support that business and in turn your community.

Nelson Star