Nelson Star ad kicks off debate

In response to the letter written by Tobias Jenny in the Wednesday, February 22 edition

In response to the letter written by Tobias Jenny in the Wednesday, February 22 edition (“What pro choice should be all about”). It was gratifying to read another opinion on the topic of recent ads in the Star, that included photos of human fetuses.

How could anyone consider this distasteful or wrong? This is the reality of how we all began. When I was reading the letters against these ads, what first came to mind was that perhaps these images were “touching a nerve” and hitting too close to home for the people so adamant about their disgust in having them in the newspaper. Perhaps as Tobias says in his letter, it is a topic that touches everyone deeply. If it doesn’t, it should.

As far as choices. Isn’t it better to make an informed, ethical and moral choice before getting pregnant, not afterwards? It is a choice in most cases. Thinking about life-altering choices and planning ahead in all areas of life, is part of being an adult. And in this particular instance; a decision that can come back to haunt a person with regret, for years to come. Maybe always.

G.H. Hartman



Nelson Star