Nelson theatre group appreciate support

The Nelson Civic Theatre Society would like to thank everyone for making our survey campaign a huge success

The Nelson Civic Theatre Society would like to thank everyone for making our survey campaign a huge success. Our sincere gratitude goes out to all the businesses that put the survey in their shops and put up our posters, to all the volunteers who gave their time or offered to help in the future, and to all the individuals that took the time to sign the survey, which enabled us to reach over 4,300 signatures in two months, in support of a cinema in Nelson (anyone who would like to join our online survey can go to

We feel truly fortunate to have this exceptional community spirit in our region. Your support has helped galvanize our enthusiasm and dedication to this project. The survey was a key element in our submitting a solid proposal to the city, so again, thanks! We hope to see you at the movies.

Josh Wapp

(on behalf of the NCTS)



Nelson Star