New bylaw enforcement officer ready for duty

As I am about to retire from the Canadian Forces I have begun my search for my next “dream” job.

As I am about to retire from the Canadian Forces I have begun my search for my next “dream” job. Thanks to the people at the CVRD I think I may have found it: CVRD bylaw enforcement officer. Now that I am older, slower, and less physically able to actually perform any sort of enforcement action, this seems like the perfect fit.

This is not to say that the current complement of officers is not capable of performing enforcement action. It would simply seem that, due to the meddling and interference of the CVRD board and the local area directors, CVRD bylaw enforcement officers don’t have too much to enforce.

One recent example of this was the lack of action taken toward the owners of a North Cowichan duplex that was being utilized as a fourplex. In the end, [North Cowichan council] simply rezoned the property without taking any retroactive action including garbage fees and tax collection. Another example of this is how the board recently directed a bylaw enforcement officer to “cease enforcement action” toward property owners in Cobble Hill that are housing chickens against current zoning bylaws.

Instead of enforcing the law, the area director, and the board has decided to let the owners carry on while they attempt to figure out the “community feel” towards having chickens on small lot properties, specifically in the subdivisions. Wasn’t this issue addressed two years ago during the community meetings that were held in areas A and C about consolidated zoning bylaw 3520?

Whatever happened to being penalized for breaking the law? Why do you get to keep breaking the law while they consider changing it? My mother always says, things may change but standards must remain.

Anyways, thanks CVRD for making my job search easier. Dream job here I come!


Wesley Logan

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen