New hotel tax a cash grab

Too many taxes are being charged. We need to get rid of all the tax-gouging groups who bamboozle city council.

To the Editor,

Re: Timing right for hotel tax, Editorial, May 13.

How dumb do the Nanaimo Economic Development Corporation, Tourism Nanaimo and the hospitality association think we are?

Once a new NEDC tourism study comes out, alleging visitors bring $70 million to the city, the organizations then champion the need to tax two per cent out of the pockets of visitors.

Trust the economic development folk to constantly come up with even more ways to scoop tax money from hard-working people, local or visiting. We must remember this is the same quasi-government outfit, largely taxpayer funded, that has given away our money to pay for other trumped-up studies claiming more tax money is needed to help the arts, culture and technology sectors.

This is making me now embark on a study of my own; I’ve easily uncovered too many taxes are being charged and found we need to get rid of all the tax-gouging groups who bamboozle city council to lift cash from our wallets and luggage.

R.C. StearmanNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin