New leadership needed

Resident upset with local politicians over Stickle Road

If there is one thing to learn from the Stickle Road mess, it’s that we need new leadership.

Think about what we have:

A mayor who sits on the fence saying we have to take the provincial solution and maybe sometime we’ll get what we really want; a council that agrees with the people, but goes along with the political flow anyway;

An MLA who says what he is told to say by his bosses; a business group that says we should take what is on offer or we might get nothing at all; and a premier who tells us that what we mean isn’t what we really mean at all, but only that we didn’t get what we wanted.

It’s plain the deck is stacked against us. It would appear they think we don’t know what’s right, but they do.

I’ll tell you what would be really right, and it would be the answer I want, Madam Premier, we need to send the whole lot of them packing.

Now is the time for new leadership to stand up and lead us against this gang of disconnected pretenders. We need you now.

John J. Clarke



Vernon Morning Star