New publisher named at The Golden Star

It has almost been six months now since I have moved to Golden from Invermere.

It has almost been six months now since I have moved to Golden from Invermere.

I have settled in at the newspaper, I am starting to meet some wonderful people and I have made some new friends.

I hope to become involved even more in the community in the coming months.

My goal for the Golden Star is to really focus on the community and to participate in, and help out at as many local events as possible.

I believe a small town newspaper should focus entirely on the local community and only that.

We are lucky to have such a lively arts community as well as many great outdoor adventures.

I have been out on the Moonraker Trails, which are fantastic.

I went hiking up at Kicking Horse Mountain and ate at the Eagle’s Eye Restaurant. I still haven’t been up to Mount 7, but I have seen the 7, and I do hope to get up there in the next couple of weeks.

The assortment of music and live entertainment I have seen here is amazing.  I will be at the Elliott Brood concert tonight (Aug. 22).  My friends from Invermere are even coming out to these events.

I have made some changes  at the newspaper since I have been here, and there are still more to come.I would appreciate your feedback.

As a community newspaper we rely on you to let us know what you would like in your paper.  Please come by and say hello, our door is always open.

I am looking forward to learning more about this beautiful Town of Golden and about the people who live here.

But I should add that what I am looking forward to most of all, is the upcoming ski season!

Michele LaPointe

Golden Star Publisher

Golden Star