New reading focus funds better spent on hiring full time professional librarians

I should feel excited about the Minister of Education, George Abbott's announcement about A New Focus on Reading. Instead I feel queasy

Editor: The Times

I should feel excited about the Minister of Education, George Abbott’s announcement about A New Focus on Reading. Instead I feel queasy at the amount of money being offered to implement something that is not new.

In the 33 years I worked as a primary classroom teacher, reading was always a focus. I feel Mr. Abbott has missed the mark. Most students learn to read. Teachers need support to help them teach the bottom few who struggle. With the reinstatement of professional teacher librarians and modernized school libraries the teachers would receive the support they so desperately require.

I am curious to know how the library at Clearwater Secondary School will be staffed now that the long-time professional librarian has retired. I know that the library at Raft River Elementary, serving over 300 students, is run with the energy of a person who also has other teaching responsibilities and part time clerical support.

Money needs to be put where it will most directly affect the learning of children, and not into another bureaucrat whose job it is to call meetings and discuss programs. Mr. Abbott, please fund our school libraries and hire full time, professional teacher librarians.

Sandra Holmes

Clearwater, B.C.

Clearwater Times