New recycling program a total dud

Once again the B.C. Fiberal government, in its inimitable style, has ignored due process and blind-sided the electorate

Once again the B.C. Fiberal government, in its inimitable style, has ignored due process and blind-sided the electorate, especially seniors who have enough challenges without having to deal with another that wasn’t part of the voting process.

We won’t harass you today with the failure of the sitting government to acknowledge that the entire smart meter/smart grid global initiative is a corporate-driven, toxic and lethal threat to all living creatures. Nor will we whine and snivel about the proliferation of glyphosate and the GMO crop, gene drift infestation which threatens the health of all living creatures left standing from the ravages of wireless technology. But we will bother you with the new recycling program, brought to a community near you, which will create unnecessary and unwanted activity for everyone, especially seniors, some of whom do not have transportation, and others who ought not to be forced to drive to depots far from their homes to drop off recyclables which, to this date, have been picked up at the curbside in front of their domiciles. I am complaining because of the trips I will have to make to different drop-off points to get rid of items that once were acceptable in the blue-bag routine with which I was able to cope.

I called the Emterra Environmental Customer Service hotline this morning and the sympathetic but powerless young woman with whom I spoke admitted that the phone has been ringing unremittingly since the program was announced and that every call was from an angry citizen.

Will the government do the right thing and reverse this stupidity or ought we to just suck it up and add it to the growing list as to why the voters did the wrong thing by offering the sitting government another foolish mandate?

Edgar Murdoch


Salmon Arm Observer