Next generation provides hope

Re: Janitorial review a ridiculous waste, Letters, Nov. 5.

To the Editor,

Re: Janitorial review a ridiculous waste, Letters, Nov. 5.

Congratulations to Rebecca Christofferson for such a sensible letter, but what does it say about today’s ‘adult’ generation, that it takes one of the very generation that are supposed (and hope) to take a lead from that same adult generation, to present a perfect example of using basic common sense.?

It also goes on to say much about many parents, that once again someone of their children’s own generation has to tell those children to clean up their mess.

I know what would have happened in my (admittedly long ago) childhood to anyone who threw away a half-eaten sandwich, but then there was little chance of anyone throwing food away of any kind.

We are living in a generation where ‘absurdity’  rules in the adult world.

Fortunately with young people like this, there is hope that they won’t follow in their parents’ footsteps.

Charles Reid


Nanaimo News Bulletin