No age raise

Citizens urged to call Parliament to demand Old Age Security Pension isn't raised another two years

I’m writing this letter in regards to the Harper government (which is apparently what he wants to have it referred to) wanting to raise the Old Age Security Pension from age 65 to 67.

I think it is absolutely outrageous that they would even consider this.

When one stops and thinks about the golden pensions that our MPs look forward to and the absolute waste of taxpayers money that goes to our senators, it is unfair to think that the little guy should have to work another two years longer so he can receive his well deserved pension.

I called Colin Mayes office to voice my displeasure and was given a number in Ottawa to call.

This number is 1-866-599-4999.

I urge everyone to call this number and ask to speak to their member of Parliament and voice their opinion.

It is our democratic right.


Roger Westlake, Vernon



Vernon Morning Star